Introduction to this blog

Hi!  Welcome to my blog.  Last fall, I was approached by to publish a blog as a parenting expert and I was thrilled to be asked because I’m passionate about parenting.   Yet, I also had many trepidations about tip toeing into the whole world of typing in cyberspace.  But here I go…

A little about me.  As the  founder of Baby Maven, expert in all things baby and I have a practice focused on helping parents keep their relationships strong after having children.    You can read more about me here

I live in sunny San Diego with my partner  my daughter, 3.5 going on 13, son  3 months & dog, Mazel (5 and already gray under the chin).  In my “free” time enjoy cooing at my wide-eyed lil’ guy & telling scary monster stories to my daughter about ferocious monsters with enormous chomping teeth who want to eat small children… until the last cliff hanging moment when, of course, the monster decides to be a vegetarian.
I look forward to hearing your feedback from this blog.  Also check out  parentricity  click here.

Carrie Grange Isaacson, LCSW
Founder of Baby Maven

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