First the Bucket List Now the Love List

There are certain things on your list TO DO before you die.  Maybe you want to take a balloon ride over Africa or see Paris at dawn.  Perhaps you want to run the New York City Marathon or climb Mount Everest..

What about an adventure much closer to home?   Is  the person you choose to have your journey through this life with you on the list?  “Huh?”   You say in your head.    You mean the person I brush my teeth with every night?  No.  Not exciting.   No surprises or adventures there.

We often trade the excitement of new love for the stability and security of long term intimacy but maybe it doesn’t have to be either or.

Do you remember that fast heart beat feeling you got when you first saw your spouse?  Can you imagine getting that back?   Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity says, “Most people have  2 or 3 relationships in their adult lifetime but  some have those relationships with the same person.”

In Bootie After Baby couples will create a LOVE LIST that will jump start the passion in their marriage.  Imagine the greatest adventure of your life is getting to fall in love with your partner over and again.

Booties After Baby June 25th 6-9pm New York City Register Now.

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